Sculpt gel is similar to wax, it can be placed directly onto the skin and sculpted
Acts like silicone
Essential techniques:
It comes in a kit of 3 part
Mix equal amounts of parts A & B
It sets in 5-10 minutes
Adding part c allows the material to be even softer, this would used where there is more flexibility required
Adding part c will extend the working time
Kits come in different colours or you can colour it yourself
The lids need to go back onto the correct pots
It contains no water so it will not dry out but it is important to keep the lids on
Heat speeds up the curing time
Keep in the fridge before to allow longer working time
Sculpt onto a non pourus material (tile or lunch box lid)
Grease proof paper to sculpt on
You will need- surgical spirit, isopropyl alcohol, which is useful for smoothing out the surface. It can thin makeup colours too
You can use silicone pigments to colour the gel, use a very small amount as they are very strong
You can also use flocking to create a realistic skin tone
How to use sculpt gel
The colour wheel is very important when painting skin tones. Here is an exmple of the best colours to buy so that you are able to mix the correct skin tones for anyone.
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Too translucent
Too opaque
Adding flock to change the colour of the skin tone.
The sculpt gel on the right has added flock to blend into the natural skin tones, without the flock the colour of the skin is very flat
Mix clear sculpt gel, and keep it translucent. Mix a small mount of red and blue
A brush with alcohol can remove any tool marks
Add a powder to remove the shine, a thin wash of blues and purples
Use the colour to merge into the skin and then into the sculpt gel
You can make each batch pigmented and put into separate pots, this is ideal for continuity. The sculpts will be the same colour every time
mix a white and yellow colour, around the nose and the lip. Nuddge the edges out with a cotton bud. Bare in mind of the sensitivity around the nose
Pinky red added around the sculpt gel
Mixes red yellow and brown without any part c so it is dry and crispy
No pigment just flock so that it looks very fibrous and scab like
Adding latex around the scabs with cotton bud, and then peel the inside out to make it look like the skin is trying to heal. Make it look irregular
Use a very little amount
Taper the ends so that they blend into the skin
Use powder to reduce the shine
Tiny dabs of red/pinks very un even to make it look realistic
Smooth out with alcohol and a sponge
Stipple red to tone into the skin
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Acne scarring-
Use a flat bladed tool, to build up 2mm thickness in the middle. Very important it is flat so a flat bladed tool is used
Wipe over with alcohol and make the marks with a wooden tool
Pinky bruise tone into the indentations, and olive reds around to tie in with the natural skin tone
Be careful not to prod the skin too much as this will make it look too red
Anti-shine powder to reduce the shine of the silicone
Spectacular sculpt gel: How to create amazing direct applied 3D makeup effects using sculpt gel
Healed Burn Scar-
Keep it thin and flat
Some areas and hardened
The next mix is paler and pinkier. The first mix needs to have gone off completely before applying the second. The second layer will go against the directions of the first
Keep the lengths of the lines different lengths
A wooden tool is used to give a layer of subtle texture and also kills the shine
Fade out the scar gradually here and there
The heat causes the skin to contract, which can pull on the healthy skin which is why you end up with webbed areas that look as thought they are under tension
Pink/reds are placed in around the scar tissue, this can be blended out with alcohol as it creeps away from the lines of webbing
A flesh tone is flicked on to help knock this back and help make the colour appear as though it is under the skin rather than on the surface
A fluffy brush is used to place a yellow-tan colour in places
Burn scars can have a tan like discolouration