Michael Campbell from Colorado, USA has been in and out of custody between 2003 and 2008 - but has still found time to get his face etched in ink
A tattoo-faced sex offender living in Springfield, Missouri may win the prize for scariest mugshot ever with this menacing photo.
Michael Campbell, 36, has been in and out of jail since the mid-nineties but as his 2008 mugshot shows, he still has found time to get his entire face etched in ink - including a pentagram emblazoned on the centre of his forehead
By Daily Mail Reporter
UPDATED: 11:41, 6 December 2008
Transformation: The facial tattoos of Jefferson County Jail inmate Michael Campbell in 2003, and right, six weeks ago
Noticiable hairline change within 5 years in prison
Bruce willis kevin smith fight (2005) Available at: http://sozyde.comyr.com/bruce-willis-and-friends.php (Accessed: 18 November 2015).
It’s often said that bald men are more virile. The popular theory is that they have higher levels of the male hormone testosterone, which makes them more masculine and increases their sex drive, but they lose their hair at a younger age than average as a result. The truth, though, is a little more complex.
it is not the amount of testosterone circulating in the bloodstream that dictates baldness, it’s down to genetics. Several genes are thought to be involved, all resulting in hair follicles becoming particularly sensitive to tiny amounts of circulating testosterone.
The process still isn’t fully understood, but it involves an enzyme that converts testosterone into a substance called dihydrotesterone, which causes the hair follicles to shrink in some people, possibly by choking off their supply of blood and nutrients. As the follicle shrinks, the growing cycle gets shorter and new hairs become finer and finer until only the finest so-called vellous hairs remain on the scalp. Eventually the follicle becomes dormant and no more hair is produced. This starts on the top of the scalp and then moves down over the head in the characteristic shape of male pattern baldness. Bald men are genetically more predisposed to be more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone, but the follicles on the chin are unaffected by the hormone, which is why beards continue to grow.
There are two main types of hair on the head, commonly known as terminal hairs and vellus hairs. The type of hair growing on different parts of the scalp is a good indicator of impending hair loss
Vellus is the short very fine hair which is particularly noticeable on the body of a child. It is there to regulate the body temperature, keeping the heat in when cold and letting it out when hot. They are less than half a centimetre in length but very effective at doing their job.
Terminal hairs are the scalp hairs that are thicker and longer and darker and it is when these terminal hairs become thinner that hair loss and thinning starts. If it is due to male pattern hair loss and no more hair is grown then it becomes impossible for it to regrow.
BBC (2012) Are bald men more virile?. Available at: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20121210-are-bald-men-more-virile (Accessed: 28 November 2015).
Terminal and vellus hairs and hair loss (no date) Available at: http://www.hishairclinic.com/terminal-and-vellus-hairs-and-hair-loss/ (Accessed: 28 November 2015).
Mohair hair, from angora goat. Very effective for fine hair detailing. It is also very expensive
@sasha_camacho on Instagram: ‘Probably the finest hair I’ve ever punched with. 😐 #babypuncher’ (no date) Available at: https://www.instagram.com/p/7ZUjzREWbE/?taken-by=sasha_camacho (Accessed: 28 November 2015).
Reporter, D. M. (2008) Pictured: The tattoo transformation of jailbird who had his face etched in ink. Available at: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1092432/Pictured-The-tattoo-transformation-jailbird-face-etched-ink.html (Accessed: 28 November 2015).
Comparing my model's genetics-
The parents of my model show how Lukasz will age. The nasolabial fold is deepened in his father, along with his eye bags and loosend skin around the jaw.
Debreceni, T. (2013) Special makeup effects for stage and screen: Making and applying Prosthetics. 2nd edn. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
Debreceni, T. (2013) Special makeup effects for stage and screen: Making and applying Prosthetics. 2nd edn. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
subtle changes in the face from ageing. We can see the changes in the skin around the eyes, the face shape, and the receding hairline. There is also discolouration in the skin, and the cheeks look more sallow.
Parodi (2008) To each his own. Available at: http://toeachhisown8.blogspot.co.uk/2009/03/curious-case-of-benjamin-button.html (Accessed: 28 November 2015).
I wanted to age my character by 10 years so I began looking at how other makeup artists have aged the character in a subtle way. The image here of Benjamin button shows the wrinkles around his nose and mouth as well has discolouration to the skin and a dryness to the skin