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This design is for a film poster. The idea of the mouth tied closed with the prisoners crimes forbidden to describe. This represents the loyalty the prisoner has similar to that seen in the documentary. They show no remorse and will not care about being sent to prison

Added hair to give him a more youthful look before he gets sent to prison. The idea being a shot of him before and after his time in prison. 

For this I could flock the hair with black and brown short hairs to bring his hairline forward

Scars down the cheek. This I could experiment with sculpt gel or flat pieces

Tired looking eyes. For this I could use grey tones under the eyes. Emphasised frown lines, this could also be painted on to represent his aggressive behaviour

For the mouth I have designed a rope that is made from silicone. I wanted it to resemble skin to imply his loyalty to his crimes and his personality. I thought of an idea of pouring some silicone into two small straws. Once cured I could cut away the straw and be left with two cylinder pieces of silicone that I could intertwine with eachother and adhere to the skin or to a mouth prosthetic.

Uneven skin tones, redness around the nose

Experimentation with facial hair, stubble?

For this design I have aged my prisoner, after his time in prison. I wanted to experiment with his hairline as this shows a lot about his age and his lifestyle. (also a genetic cause).


I thought I could create this with a tupay wig. After some consideration on this design I felt it will be far too advanced to age my model 30+ years. This kind of makeup would involve multiple prosthetics to create a believable character, which I feel is unrealistic in the time frame I have, and it would be too advanced for my level I am at now.

The eyes say a lot about a character. It is often the first place people show signs of ageing as the skin is very soft and loose. I have given my character some heavy eye bags and eye lids. This I feel is a suitable concept to age my character 10years. This could allow me to make small subtle facial prosthetics, such as the eye bags and some nasolabial folds.

deep crease wrinkles in the forehead, prosthetic? incorporated in bald cap?

I have developed on this design to make my character a little younger, I have brought his hairline forward but still receding. I feel like a realistic receding hairline could project the image of his age, keepig his hair long gives him a eerie feel. It leaves him looking scruffy and unkept.

A large scar down his forehead, this could be incorporated in the bald cap, or I could create this as a flat piece. I wanted the scar to be big enough to notice when you first see my character. You instantly presume he is dangerous from the scars on his face and the tattoos around his neck.

small dots of blood vessels and spots to show his unhealthy skin and his criminal lifestyle. This can be created with the illustrator palette as the colours are very translucent it would look realistic. Scar down the side on the cheek incorporated in the flat pieces

His eyes are dark with rings of black and redness

pronounced folds and loosened jowls- very subtle. This can be created by flat pieces.

russian prison tattoos-each with their own meaning. After a lot of research into the russian prison tattoos I would like to cover a large area of the body in them

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